現在線上人數 132人
2025.02.19 02:48
八月份 第 09 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [12][11][10][09][08][07][06]
- (2013-08-13)------
- Morsi Supporters Remain in Protest Camps
- 穆爾西的支援者堅守抗議營地
- Supporters of ousted Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi are defiantly remaining at their protest camps in Cairo, despite days of warnings that the government would soon move on the sites.
- 儘管埃及政府數天來警告說將很快採取清場行動,被罷免的前埃及總統穆爾西的支援者繼續大膽地堅守在開羅的抗議營地。
- Large crowds of pro-Morsi protesters were at the camps Monday night, chanting, waving flags and holding up signs of the man they say should be reinstated as president.
- 星期一晚上,大批支援穆爾西的抗議者揮舞旗幟,並高舉寫有穆爾西名字的標語牌,要求恢復他的總統職位。
- Saba Mahmood, associate professor of anthropology at the University of California at Berkeley, told VOA the interim government has not broken up the camps because the resulting bloodshed would be a "very serious political cost."
- 美國加州大學伯克利分校的人類學副教授馬赫穆德對美國之音說,由於清場帶來的流血將導致非常嚴重的政治後果,埃及臨時政府還沒有採取行動。
- But she says Mr. Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood is facing bigger stakes than getting him back in office, after the arrests of other key members of the group and moves to freeze assets it uses for political work and providing services to the community.
- 但馬赫穆德說,穆爾西的穆斯林兄弟會面臨著比爭取他官復原職更大的挑戰,此前穆兄會的主要成員被逮捕,而且當局凍結了該組織用於政治活動及社區服務的資產。
- (2013-08-13)------
- China Reports 44th Death from H7N9 Bird Flu
- 中國報告第 44 起 H7N9 禽流感死亡病例
- Chinese state media say another person has died from a new strain of the bird flu that has now claimed the lives of 44 people.
- 中國國家媒體說,又有一人死於一種新型禽流感;這種禽流感已經導致 44 人死亡。
- The official Xinhua news agency says a 61-year-old man from northern China's Hebei Province died Monday of multiple organ failure.
- 中國官方的新華社說,河北省一名 61 歲男子星期一死於多器官功能衰竭。
- It says he tested positive for the H7N9 virus on July 20.
- 報導說,這名男子 7 月 20 日的 H7N9 病毒化驗結果呈陽性。
- China has reported 134 infections of the virus since it first appeared in March. That includes a case in southern Guangdong Province, which was mentioned in the Xinhua report.
- 自中國 3 月首次發現禽流感疫情以來,已經報告了 134 起感染病例,其中包括廣東省的一起;新華社的報導中提到了這起病例。
- Beijing has called off its emergency response to H7N9, which has not spread rapidly and has been mostly contained to eastern China.
- 北京已經停止實施對 H7N9 禽流感疫情的緊急應對方案,疫情沒有迅速蔓延,而且主要限於中國東部地區。
- Only one case has been reported outside the mainland, in Taiwan.
- 在中國大陸以外地區,只有台灣報告了一起病例。
- The new strain of avian influenza has so far been more lethal in confirmed cases than another strain, the H5N1 virus, which has killed more than 360 people in the past decade.
- 到目前為止,這種新型禽流感比已經證實的 H5N1 禽流感病例更為致命;十年來,H5N1 禽流感導致 360 多人死亡。
- But there is concern the new virus could mutate and be able to spread more easily.
- 但人們擔心新型禽流感可能發生變異,而且更容易蔓延。