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EPT 美語
首頁 / 免費英文自學教材 / 美國之音 / 流行美語 / 第一部 / 第03課

第一部 第三課: the big gun , to quarterback

  • Michael 是紐約大學的美國學生,他同時也在一家建築公司實習.他的中國同學李華今天要去他的公司看他. Michael 聽得懂中文,但是說還有點兒困難. Michael 和李華在今天的對話裡會用兩個常用語,一個是 big gun,另外一個是 to quarterback. Michael 現在在辦公室門口和李華打招呼。
  • ………………………………………………………………………………
  • Hey, Li Hua, Come on in. How're you doing?
  • 我挺好呀.你怎麼樣?哎,對了,你下午想幹什麼?
  • Ah, I've got a meeting with the big guns this afternoon. They want to talk to me about continuing to work here after graduation.
  • 嗯,我聽懂了你後面那句話,他們要跟你談有關畢業後回來工作的事.哎,那真是太好了哎.可是你開始說今天下午要跟誰開會?
  • I 'm meeting with my bosses. Sometimes we call them the big guns of the office.
  • 哦~,你是要跟你的幾個老闆開會呀.原來你們把老闆叫著 the big guns,這個 big guns 又是怎麼拼的呢?
  • Big, b-i-g, guns, g-u-n-s. It's an expression that can be used to describe powerful people.
  • 哦~,那就是指權力很大的人,也就是大人物囉.那麼,總統的顧問那能不能稱為 big guns 呢?
  • Yes, a president's advisors are big guns. But it can also be used in sports. In soccer the stars of a team are the big guns.
  • 哦~, Big guns 還可以用在體育方面啊。
  • OK, let me show you around the rest of the office.
  • 你要帶我看看公司大樓啊,Let's go!
  • ………………………………………………………………………………
  • This is the conference room. We had a meeting here yesterday on our plan for a new building. The project leader quarterbacked the meeting.
  • 哎~,等等等等 Michael,你說這是會議室,你們昨天在這兒開了個會,討論蓋一棟新樓的計劃.可是,你還說那項目主任是踢美式足球的啊?是 quarterback,四分衛,對不對?
  • Oh, no! Quarterback here is a verb, meaning to lead. The word quarterback is borrowed from American football, where the quarterback leads the team.
  • 哦~, quarterback 在這裡是動詞,意思呢是領導.你說這裡的 quarterback 是從美式足球裡借來用的,因為 quarterback 在球隊裡呢是主力.哎, Michael 啊,你剛才是怎麼說的?
  • The project leader quarterbacked the meeting.
  • 嗯~,現在我聽清楚了,你剛才說的是:項目領導人主持會議.這個字挺長的哦, Quarterback, Michael 啊,能不能幫我拼一下,好不好?
  • Quarterback is spell: qu-ar-ter-ba-ck.
  • 那麼~, to quarterback 我還能用在別的地方嗎?
  • To quarterback is business slang. If someone is responsible for a group working on a new project that individual is quarterbacking the team.
  • 知道了, to quarterback 呢是用在商業方面的.要是某人負責一個新項目,這個人就是在領導這個項目的小組.要是某人在一個法律事務所主持會議,那又該怎麼說呢?
  • Someone quarterbacked the meeting at the law firm.
  • 嗯~,你們公司的一位重要領導主持會議,討論公司的收入報告,這又該怎麼說呢?
  • The company's big gun quarterbacked the meeting about their revenue report. Hey, I need to get back to work. I'll call you later.
  • 好吧好吧,那就再見囉!希望你將來成為 a big gun.
  • Oh, yea, I'm sure soon I'll be quarterbacking every meeting and every project.
  • 你真當真吶!還想主持所有的會議,總管所有項目.得啦,再見吧!
  • ………………………………………………………………………………
  • Michael 和李華在對話中用了兩個常用語,一個是: the big guns,意思是「大人物、對決策有重大影響的人」;另一個是: to quarterback,意思是「主持會議、或總管項目」。
EPT 美語
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