現在線上人數 131人
2025.01.15 00:27
三月份 第 02 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [12][11][10][09][08][07][06]
- (2013-03-04) ------
- Kerry Arrives In Saudi Arabia After Releasing Aid to Egypt
- 克里承諾繼續援助埃及後抵達沙烏地阿拉伯訪問
- U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has arrived in Saudi Arabia's capital, Riyadh, after a stop in Cairo where he pledged renewed financial assistance to Egypt.
- 美國國務卿克里抵達沙烏地阿拉伯首都利雅德;此前克里在埃及訪問期間承諾,美方將繼續為埃及提供經濟援助。
- During a meeting with Egypt's President Mohamed Morsi on Sunday, Kerry said the U.S. will provide $190 million immediately as part of a larger $450 million assistance package to spur crucial economic reforms.
- 克里星期天與埃及總統穆爾西舉行會談期間表示,美國將立即為埃及提供一億九千萬美元援助;這筆援助資金是美方準備向埃及提供的四億五千萬美元援助的一部份;這些援助是為了推動埃及亟需實施的經濟改革。
- He also said Washington will give an additional $60 million for a new enterprise fund to support Egyptian entrepreneurs and young people.
- 克里表示,美國還將為埃及提供六千萬美元,做為一項新企業基金,支持埃及的企業家和年青人。
- For his part, Mr. Morsi gave assurances that Cairo will implement political and economic reforms to help stabilize his bitterly divided country.
- 埃及總統穆爾西則承諾,埃及政府將實行政治和經濟改革,以幫助穩定陷於嚴重分裂狀態的埃及局勢。
- Mr. Morsi also promised to finalize an agreement with the International Monetary Fund on a $4.8 billion loan package that has languished for months.
- 穆爾西還承諾與國際貨幣基金組織敲定一項有關向埃及提供 48 億美元貸款的協議;幾個月來,這筆貸款一直處於被擱置狀態。
- Egypt's finance minister said he expects a deal to be reached with the IMF before parliamentary elections in April.
- 埃及財政部長表示,期待在埃及於 4 月舉行議會選舉之前和國際貨幣基金組織達成有關協議。
- Cairo's central Tahrir Square became turbulent again Sunday evening as protesters demanding reforms clashed with security forces and set fire to at least two cars.
- 星期天晚上,開羅市中心的解放廣場再次出現騷亂,要求改革的抗議人士和安全人員發生衝突,至少兩輛汽車被點燃。
- Protesters also clashed with security in the troubled city of Port Said. Military officials say one policeman was killed in the clashes and dozens of people were injured.
- 抗議人士還在塞得港和警方發生衝突;埃及軍方官員說,一名警察在衝突被打死,數十人受傷。
- (2013-03-04) ------
- Karachi Mourns 45 Killed in Blast
- 卡拉奇為爆炸事件 45 名死難者舉行哀悼
- Pakistan's largest city, Karachi, shut down Monday to mourn the 45 people killed in a car bomb explosion outside a mosque that also wounded about 150 others.
- 巴基斯坦最大城市卡拉奇星期一為一座清真寺外汽車炸彈事件的 45 名遇難者舉行哀悼,這起爆炸還造成大約 150 人受傷。
- Police say the bomb exploded Sunday as worshippers were leaving evening prayers in a neighborhood dominated by minority Shi'ite Muslims.
- 警方說,星期天的爆炸事件發生在一個什葉派回教徒占人口多數的居民區;事發時,在清真寺做晚間祈禱的人們正在走出清真寺。
- Several buildings caught fire and people were trapped under the rubble of structures that collapsed.
- 周圍幾棟樓房起火,人們困在倒塌的建築裏。
- Women and children are among those wounded.
- 受傷的人當中包括婦女和兒童。
- Paramilitary officer Pervez Ahmad says a chemical used in the blast caught fire and spread the destruction.
- 一名準軍事官員艾哈邁德表示,爆炸中使用的某種化學物在爆炸時起火,造成了更大的破壞。
- No one has claimed responsibility, but Sunni Muslim militants with links to al-Qaida and the Taliban frequently target their Shi'ite neighbors across Pakistan, especially in Karachi.
- 到目前為止,還沒有人出面對這一事件承擔責任,不過,與基地組織有關連的遜尼派激進份子和塔利班經常在巴基斯坦各地襲擊什葉派回教徒,尤其是在卡拉奇。
- According to the independent Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, at least 2,284 people died in ethnic, sectarian and political violence last year in Karachi.
- 獨立的巴基斯坦人權理事會說,去年卡拉奇有至少 2284 人死於族裔、宗派以及政治暴力行動。