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第一部 第13課: to keep an ear to the ground , up to one's ears

  • 大約一百五十年以前,美國一些開荒的人,逐步地到西部的荒野去開拓.這些拓荒者從當地印第安人那裡學到了一個訣竅,那就是“躺下身來把耳朵貼在地上,就可以聽到幾英哩以外野獸奔跑的蹄聲”.
  • 現在,把耳朵貼在地上這個訣竅已經成為一個俗語,在英文裡也就是:“to keep an ear to the ground”,To keep an ear to the ground,它的意思就是“保持高度警覺”,“及早地發現那些即將會發生的事情的預兆”.比如說,一個精明的政客對選民的想法總是很警覺的.有時候,一些選民還沒有想到的事兒,他們倒已經想到了.下面一位國會議員說的話正好說明了這一點:
  • Every two weeks while the Congress is in session, I try to get back home to California to talk to people. This doesn't give me much time to relax with my family, but I have to keep an ear to the ground and hear what voters are thinking about.
  • 這位議員說:“當國會舉行會議的時候,我每兩個星期設法抽空回到加州去一次,和當地的人進行交談.我沒有多少時間可以和家人在一起,但是我得及時了解選民的想法。”
  • 下面我們再聽聽另外一個議員說的話:
  • I try to keep an ear to the ground and what I hear these days is that most people think we spend too much money on building roads and not enough on our schools.
  • 這個議員說:“我總是設法注意人們的想法.最近我聽說,大多數人認為我們在築路方面花錢太多,而用在學校方面的錢卻不足。”
  • ----------------------------------------
  • 下面我們要講的一個習慣用語也是和耳朵,也就是 ear 有關係的:“up to one's ears”, Up to one's ears 有好幾個意思.首先,它可以解釋成 “很忙” 的意思,比如說:
  • Half the people in my office are home sick, so I'm up to my ears!
  • 這個人說:“我辦公室裡有一半的人有病請假,所以我簡直忙得不得了。”
  • 下面這個例子是一個丈夫為了逃避到廚房去幫他太太的忙,正在找藉口:
  • Gee, honey, you know I'd like to help you paint the kitchen tonight, but I'm up to my ears in paper work I had to bring home from the office.
  • 這個丈夫說:“親愛的,你知道我很願意今天晚上幫你把廚房上油漆.可是我從辦公室帶回來好些一定要做的事兒。”
  • Up to one's ears 這個習慣用語,在下面這句句子裡的意思就不同了:
  • The mayor says he didn't know people on his staff were taking bribes. But my guess is he's up to his ears in it.
  • 這句話的意思是:“市長說他不知道他手下的工作人員接受賄賂.可是,我猜想他完全是介入這些事的。”
EPT 美語
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