現在線上人數 158人
2024.10.03 22:32
第一部 第八課: 請重複跟讀 - 於留空之間可以順暢唸完為止‧
- Ed's wife is a strong-minded woman and leads him around by the nose.
- 艾德的太太是一個個性很強的人,艾德簡直就是被她牽著鼻子走。
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- Remember, Son, don't let other people lead you around by the nose.
- 兒子,你可千萬要記得不要讓別人牽著你的鼻子走.
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- You'll get along a lot better in life if you use your own judgment and do what you yourself think is the right thing.
- 要是你能用你自己的判斷力,做你認為是對的事,你的日子就會過得更好。
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- See, they were right under your nose all the time.
- 瞧,你的眼鏡一直在你的鼻子底下(就在你的眼前)啊。
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- Did you read in the paper how bold that robber was at the art museum?
- 你有沒有在報上看到關於那個去博物館偷東西的賊有多麼大膽的消息嗎?...
- He cut three paintings from their frames and walked out with them right under the noses guards.
- 他把三幅畫從畫框裡割了下來,然後竟然就在警衛的面前把那三幅畫帶出了博物館。
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