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EPT 美語
首頁 / 免費英文自學教材 / 美國之音 / 習慣用語 / 第一部 / 09課跟讀

第一部 第九課: 請重複跟讀 - 於留空之間可以順暢唸完為止‧

  • Pull their socks up and get back in the game.
  • 他們振作起精神,重新投入競爭(比賽)中
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  • I have bad news: our sales were off 18% for the last quarter.
  • 我有個不好的消息:我們上一季度的銷售量下降了百分之 18。...
  • So I'm telling you guys -- you have to pull your socks up and get out there and sell more stuff,
  • 所以我告訴你們,你們得趕快振作起來到外面去加緊推銷....
  • or you'll be looking for new jobs this summer.
  • 否則,你們今年夏天就要另外找工作了。
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  • Wait until you hear my new marketing plan -- it'll knock you socks off!
  • 等你們聽到我的推銷計劃時,你們一定都會大吃一驚的.
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  • Have you seen Jack's sister, who's visiting here from California?
  • 你見到過傑克那個從加州來的妹妹嗎?...
  • She'll knock your socks off: she's the most gorgeous-looking woman I've seen for a long time.
  • 我好久沒有見過這麼漂亮的女孩子了,她簡直是美若天仙。
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EPT 美語
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